A sponge city makes the best out of two extremes (flood and drought) by means of its buffering function. The Sponge holds water during rains by limiting flood hazards and releasing it slowly when it is dry – increasing water availability. This concept offers protection against floods and prevents a water deficit by combining landscape-based and water-buffering methods. It focuses on cost-effective measures that yield a high impact. Starting from what is there, (existing buildings, natural depressions, skilled masons, etc.). It combines these resources that are in a town and aims to add value and reduce overall costs. Value is added through improved water functions, healthy living, and an attractive business climate. We promote sponge cities/towns through various techniques to overcome these challenges and improve the residents’ livelihoods such as:
- rainwater harvesting (both runoff and roof water)
- kitchen gardening or urban farming
- permeable roads and pavements
- biological wastewater purification
- wastewater reuse
- green space and blue space.
- All these activities are coupled with Community awareness campaigns and setting up visitor’s centers.
You can learn more about the lesson learned in sponge town Kwa Vonza, Kitui . More Info